Annual Assessments- a note from our beloved Treasurer- Sinikka

Dear Members,

The International Cooperative Alliance defines a Cooperative as “an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise” based on values of “self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity.” These are among the ideas upon which Mesaba Co-op Park was founded. It was intended as a place to build community; how lucky we all are to be a part of that community today. It is inspiring to look at our list of achievements and realize that we are all a part of realizing those goals, whether it was by laboring at workbees, working with a committee, or contributing to the building fund.

One of the key principles of a Cooperative is “Member Economic Participation,” in which the members “contribute equitably to the capital of their cooperative.” At Mesaba Park, this is achieved through our annual assessments and the accompanying donations from our members. Assessments and donations combined make up 40-60% of our revenue in a year. We could not survive without them. In keeping with the principle of equity, we set the minimum assessment at only $25.00 and ask members to self-apply the idea of a sliding scale and give more if they are able. Many members set their assessment at $50, $100, or even $200. We also ask that members contribute to our building fund, which allows us to maintain our current structures (such as the pavilion preservation), and to plan for additional structures (such as a new bathroom facility) to fit our needs going forward.

I am continually amazed at the cooperation and generosity of our members, so thank you for your contributions to our beautiful Mesaba Park. Our membership truly embodies the cooperative spirit.


Sinikka Jacques, Treasurer
On behalf of the Mesaba Park Board of Directors

Payments by mail can be sent to:

Mesaba Co-op Park
PO Box 293
Hibbing, MN 55746

Payments can also be sent to @MesabaCoopPark using Venmo



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